Unit 33 – Stop Motion

We started this new unit off by drawing… well trying to anyway. We basically scribbled on a page and attempted to make this scribble into an actual “thing”.



So my scribble looked like a fancy penguin… or a puffin… I’m not really sure.

Next, we made more scribbles and attempted to make them into a platypus.



Yeah, I kind of just drew a platypus over the scribbles but lets pretend I followed the rules. This exercise was to encourage us to draw messy rather than trying to draw something perfect the first time.

We then had to draw the person next to us. I was drawing Gemma Sealey.


We were supposed to draw them as a caricature, but… yeah that didn’t go too well so I stuck to drawing her as a cartoon.

We then had to draw them in under 10 seconds…


…Yeah… Im sorry Gemma…

Mr Skinner then asked us to draw ourselves without looking in a mirror. I forgot what I looked like…


I drew myself like this. I think I’m mostly always positive so I drew myself looking happy and I was too lazy to actually draw eyes…

Mr Skinner then taught us how the shape of a character can determine their personality.

We had a go at using shapes to create different characters.





Triangle (Point facing down)



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