About Me

(This blog was created to store all of my college coursework, feel free to look around at what I created throughout my two years studying Broadcast Media at BOA however, this blog will no longer be updated).

I am Kerry Hatfield- Welcome to my Blog. I currently attend Birmingham Ormiston Academy (BOA) and this blog will hold all my class work and a little on the side (photography and videos).

This video is all about my Hopes and Dreams. You can find the script here-https://kerrylhatfield.wordpress.com/additional-work/skills-development/practical-skills/hopes-and-dreams/


I am interested in becoming a TV/ Film Director in the future. I have taken inspiration from Pixar, I have grown up watching Pixar’s movies and every movie they have created has been brilliant. Even though I am not interested in creating animations, I still admire the story lines and the huge amount of passion involved with making each film.


Seth MacFarlane also inspires me. I find his work very humorous and entertaining. I have always been a fan of Family guy and the witty jokes used, and would love to make my own work as entertaining as his. Ted is also one of my favorite movies which I found myself laughing at continuously.


Walt Disney is such a huge inspiration for me. Not only do his films make everyone smile but he has managed to inspire and teach millions of people. He didn’t just make a living through creating films, he created a new way to see the world- everything has a personality- object or animal. Even though he passed away 37 years ago, he still has such a big impact on the world, his work will never lose value no matter how old they are. Walt Disney has given me the drive to not only become a film director but in some way to make my mark in the media industry- bring something that no one else has.

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